
Deontological Ethical Analysis of Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Marketing

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Deontological Ethical Analysis of Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Marketing

In Deontological ethics, morality of an action is based upon the particular action’s adherence to moral laws independent of their consequences (DeGeorge 62). Direct-to-consumer marketing of pharmaceuticals has had heated debate with logical arguments from those for, and for those against allowing such practices to exist. I do not believe the marketing of the prescription medication to be solely unethical but more of as a shade of grey in-between ethical and unethical moral standards dependent upon the actions of the individual pharmaceutical companies. Advertising to the general public can be ethical if the medication truly benefits those in society …show more content…

This false sense of security held by the public at large leads the masses to believe in the complete truthfulness of drug advertisements which could and will lead many consumers to not do their research on a medication before seeking it out to get it prescribed.
The other area of moral concern for many is in regards to the safety of the general public. The question being; is it safe for public health to allow pharmaceuticals to advertise and push new drugs directly to the public? The answer to this isn’t clear, in May of 2011 the Congressional Budget Office released its study; Potential Effects of a Ban on Direct-To-Consumer Advertising of New Prescription Drugs. The study was inconclusive, it stated that a moratorium on direct-to-consumer advertising could benefit public health by providing more time for possible safety problems with some drugs to be uncovered, but could also harm public health by delaying the widespread adoption of useful new drugs (
From an ethical standpoint this depends upon the company advertising the product. If they create a medicine to help relieve a certain ailment, as long as they disclose the facts, dangers, and risks of the drug, I believe that they are doing a public service because the advance in modern medicine can help society as a whole, but if a company produces a

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