
Dependent Personality Disorder ( Dpd )

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I. Dependent Personality Disorder:
Dependent Personality Disorder (DPD) according to the The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.; DSM–5; American Psychiatric Association, 2013) is categorized under cluster C in personality disorders exhibiting traits of anxiety and fearfulness. Criteria specifies that an individual demonstrates significant deviation in behavior and life experience according to a person’s cultural norms in at least two of the following areas: impulse control, interpersonal functioning, affectivity, and cognition. Moreover, the disturbance must originate from at least adolescence, exhibiting a prolonged history of consistent indicators across a variety of life circumstances. This pattern is not …show more content…

More significantly, eighty-one percent of women experiencing multiple abusive relationships demonstrated PTSD and higher psychopathology compared to women experiencing a single abusive relationship.
Personality disorder symptoms are higher among violent women and female offenders arrested for domestic violence continue to rise in number (Goldenson, Geffner, Foster, & Clipson, 2007). Male offenders were found to have history of attachment, trauma, and features of personality disorders. Bornstein (2012) found negative consequences of dependency in incarcerated men with charges of child abuse into the following categories: (a) nonsexual offending psychopaths; (b) sexual homicide perpetrators; and (c) nonviolent pedophiles.
Although many dependent clients prefer to use passive, submissive social strategies, most dependent clients are capable of using more assertive, outward expressions of anger, and destructive strategies when key relationships are at risk (Bornstein, 2012). Moreover, DPD has been linked with increased risk of self-harming behaviors such as suicidal gestures causing harm to themselves and others (Bornstein, 2012). More women made previous suicide attempts than the men, and women were more likely to have used or to be using psychotropic medication (Goldenson, Geffner,

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