
The Correlation Of Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms And Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence

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The Correlation of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms and Women Experiencing Intimate Partner Violence Lori Brown Fresno City College Dr. Helen Hubbard PhD RN65 Outline 1. Introduction a. Intimate partner violence and post traumatic stress symptoms. 2. Method a. Subjective data from group selected through a screening process. 3. Participants a. 369 woman participants b. African American, Latina, and White 4. Measures a. Intimate partner violence b. Alcohol and drug abuse c. Depression 5. Results a. 3 classes based on severity b. Majority met criteria A and F and full post traumatic stress disorder 6. Conclusion a. Most women who have suffered from IVP are not being screened properly for PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). The …show more content…

The treatment provided will be individualized according to the presenting symptoms. (Hellmuth, Jaquier, Swan, & Sullivan, 2014) The study conducted by Hellmuth, Jaquier, Swan, & Sullivan addresses the correlation of intimate partner violence with class membership, depression, alcohol and drug problems with post-traumatic stress symptoms (these usually co-occur with post-traumatic stress symptoms) and also whether they meet the criterion A and F for post-traumatic stress disorder according to the DSM-IV. Criterion A is one’s reaction to the threat from intimate personal violence that results in a response of intense fear, helplessness and/or horror. Criterion F is functional impairment as a result from post-traumatic stress symptoms. (Hellmuth, Jaquier, Swan, & Sullivan, 2014) Hellmuth, Jaquier, Swan, & Sullivan intend to determine if “the severity of women’s IPV victimization and use of IPV, depression severity, and alcohol and drug problem severity differ significantly between latent classes that emerge within our (the) sample” (Hellmuth, Jaquier, Swan, & Sullivan, 2014). Method The data collected for this study are subjective through interviews with a researcher (trained female of the same ethnicity). The women who met the criteria were provided a consent and computerized questionnaire that was available in English and Spanish. The women were then debriefed after completing the protocol. The participants were than

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