
Depression Among Homeless Women

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Lagory, Ritchey, and Sells hypothesized that homeless women would have more extensive social support networks, receive more types of help from relatives, and have more extensive expressive support. Homeless men were hypothesized to have smaller networks and to receive more instrumental support from their networks. Additionally, the study looks at social supports effect on depression using the mediation model, and predicts that it will be different for men and women. The methods of conducting this research are similar to the previous; data was obtained from the Birmingham Homeless Enumeration and Survey Project. The survey data was obtained from a random sample with quotas for race, sex, and geographic location. For Lagory et al.’s research …show more content…

While women, tend to have higher levels of education, report higher levels of prior hospitalization or mental illness, and have more social support. In regards to the first hypothesis stated, it was partially correct except for the portion assuming men would receive more instrumental support than women. The data showed that women received more support in all three fields than men. In regards to the mediating model of depression, the results indicated that life events have a positive effect on depression, while social support and mastery illustrate direct negative effects on depressive symptoms. However, it is important to note that for females, social support does not mediate the effects of life evens on depression. Overall, social support was supported by the data to be a more important mediating factor for depression in men than women; it is noted that, “Although women have more social support, this support fails to mediate the effect of life stressors on depressive symptomatology” (Lagory et al., …show more content…

In respect to Lippert and Lee’s findings one should recognize that to address mental health disparities across homeless types it is necessary to distinguish the variables that develop the correlation in this disadvantage. Furthermore, more research must be performed to understand how early life in combination with current stressors are implicated in the disparities between varying homeless groups’ mental health. Lippert and Lee pose one final question of “whether different types of homelessness work to ‘level’ the effects of early life insults to adult mental health or exacerbate mental health difference between homeless types” (2015). As proactive as this information would be to aid the homeless population, provide services needed to improve mental well-being and get them off the streets and into a more stable living environment, statistical information is difficult to gather from this population due to their somewhat “off the grid” and secretive lifestyles. So attaining information about childhood and adult problems would not be easy. A shift must be made from providing most mental health treatment to middle class individuals with temporary emotional problems to those who have a greater need for these services (Brinkerhoff et al.,

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