
Depression And Adolescent Analysis

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The depression rate steadily stays consistent each year with around 7% of people reportedly suffering from it, with the numbers higher in females than males. The rate in adolescence stays at 12.5% during a 12-month prevalence period (SAMHSA), and with alcohol and other coping mechanism being introduced during early teen years depression is a real factor in many of these people as they reach adulthood. As teens get closer to being of legal age the depression rate increase steadily from 5.4% to around 16%, it’s safe to say that the age of highest reported depression and mood disorder standard is during teenage years (SAMHSA). The goal of this paper is to analyze and compare the reasons behind why depression rates are highest in adolescence. The …show more content…

That’s a 37 percent increase” (Schrobdorff). One reasoning behind this is the prevaling numbers of teens introduced to substances at this point in their life, more specifically alcohol and marijuana. According to a sample study by the American Psychological Association, those with alcohol/marijuana/hard drug substance abuse problem, which allotted to 7% of the overall study, 41% of the 7% chosen had an alcohol abuse problem and 3% had a marijuana abuse problem. The reasoning behind alcohol abuse runs within conditioning aspects as well as experimentation during teens. Adolesecents who abuse alcohol have typically been exposed to it within their own homes either by a parent or relative, and these teens have seen alcohol abuse by these people. Early exposure to alcohol abuse is a direct relation to late alcohol abuse in teens. As with marijuana the numbers are definitely lower than alcohol, but still a large number of teenage people use it as a coping method for their own depression. The correlation between alcohol abuse and depression digs deep. The result of …show more content…

Much like with phobias, where the child can develop a phobia of a specific thing because the parent has it, depression can develop if an adult around a child has a history or is currently dealing with depression. It’s estimated that between 20-50% of teens who are suffering from depression are reported to have a family member suffering from depression (Borchard). If a child, early in life, sees their mother or father dealing trying to cope with depression they may follow suit, exhibiting signs of sadness and dissociation at an early age. Depression, as we know, is a form of disorder that stems from internal and external unhappiness, and if shown these signs early in life a child may begin to believe that this is normal. This could lead to a lifelong struggle with depression or many other upsetting scenarios. The distressing rate of teenage depression could be due to vicarious conditioning, the exposure of a specific thing at an early age which leads to a mimicry of these emotions. Adults suffering from depression may say bleak and alarming things that could influence the child that there is no hope in the world. This nihilistic viewpoint will continue until shown other ways, and if the child spends the majority of their life with the parents, then it could not go away at

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