
Teens: A Depressive Disorder

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A depressive disorder is an illness involving the body, mood, and thoughts (Psychology Today). However, every person is different, and their way of describing depression will most likely not be the same as others. A teenage girl may describe it as a never ending hole she fell into, while a middle age man can describe it as feeling like he is drowning, but breathing just fine. Depression has come to be one of society’s most substantial issues, yet it never seems to get the right amount of attention. Teenagers tend to be what the average person thinks of when they hear the word depression. They think that since some adolescents are quieter, dress differently, or act a certain way that they are sad and emotional. Sometimes it can be the person …show more content…

There is no “One Reason” that the amount of depressed teenagers is so high because It all depends on what each person is dealing with, which causes their depression.

Adolescents often feel pressured to do well in school so that they can be able to succeed in the real world, this amount of stress often leads to depression. For example, an overachiever who has always done their best to pass with straight A’s and honors, will often feel a sense of hopelessness, or failure if they get anything lower than they’re used …show more content…

During high school one is in the process of learning to navigate the complex and unsettling world of social interaction (10 things that may cause teenage depression). Transitioning into adulthood can be a challenge. Many teens may feel like they are doing it wrong, and are extremely embarrassed about the things they do. For their whole life they have had everything given to them by their parents. Then, all of a sudden, they have to get a job, and study at the same time. This can be overwhelming for many people. The fear of getting older, and gaining more responsibility can drive a teenager into depression because some might not be ready to completely give up their childhood, and transition into adulthood. This can lead to feelings of remorse, sadness, and anxiety because of what they may have to give up, and the amount of responsibilities they will have to take on. Peer pressure, also very common in teenagers, can add to that anxiety, and cause depression. In high school what most students want is knowledge, or popularity; they mainly wish for the latter. It is natural for teens to want to be liked by their peers; they want to be known, and be like the “cool kids”. There are many forms of peer pressure, and the average student will always want to fit in with some specific group. Depending on their hobbies, students will want to be accepted by those with the same interests. This

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