
Describe How Napoleon Became Dictator of Animal Farm and How He Maintained His Position over the Years

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Napoleon was a pig in more than one sense. Words that you associate with pigs are not often pleasant. ‘Pig' referring to one who is greedy and has more than their fair share; ‘pig headed' refers to one who is extremely stubborn and thinks they are always right; ‘the pigs' refer to police, or other figures of authority. Napoleon became dictator of Animal Farm merely due to the fact that he was a pig, and had the simplest of leadership skills. He maintained that power by propaganda and running the farm in a fascist, totalitarian manner. Violence, propaganda and the general ignorance of the other farm animals were major roles in keeping Napoleon in power. Power naturally fell to the pigs not because they had earned it, or were the best …show more content…

‘…you would not rob us of our repose, would you, comrades? You would not have us too tired to carry out our duties? Surely none of you wishes to see Jones back?' (p.46). Much like Australia's situation with boat people and declaring islands not part of Australia, so the refugees can't gain access to citizen rights, the Laws of Animalism changed with the Pigs' will. Manipulation and twisting of words and laws meant that the Pigs' were never in the wrong. ‘Squealer always spoke of it as a ‘readjustment', never as a ‘reduction'.' (p.75). Not only was propaganda used as a means to keep society repressed, but also violence and intimidation through subtle and constant threats ‘Surely you do not wish to see Jones back?', and fear of the repercussions if you were found to be betraying the revolution. Napoleon ran Animal Farm like any other dictator would, as a totalitarian state. It was manipulation, using others and his personal credibility that got Napoleon into his position as dictator of Animal Farm. Violence, propaganda, and the willingness of the other farm animals were major factors supporting his reign. Whilst ignorance at some point turned to stupidity, you cannot blame the other animals for wanting to turn a blind eye and go with popular public opinion, rather than voice their opinions and be killed for it. Lastly, it was Napoleon's personal

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