
Describe The Differences Between Sheritta And Janel

Decent Essays

My two parents, Sheritta and Darryl were once one in the same, but they are different in many ways. Sheritta, my mom, is the good parent. She is altruistic rather than selfish, so she ensures that everyone is happy, before herself. Darryl, on the other hand, is an egotistical person who only cares about himself. Maybe it is because he grew up without a father, and has no one to look up to on how to be one, but he is well aware that he is a horrible father. The two are also different in personalities. Sheritta has always been an amiable person with a fluctuating mood between happy and sad. If there is a person in need she makes sure they have whatever it is they need even if she doesn’t , so to speak. She isn’t really happy unless everyone else

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