The Transesterification process is the reaction of a triglyceride (fat/oil) with an alcohol to form esters and glycerol (Wahab Maqbool, 2010). A triglyceride has a glycerine molecule as its base with three long chain fatty acids attached. During the esterification process, the triglyceride is reacted with alcohol in the presence of a catalyst, usually a strong alkaline like sodium hydroxide. The alcohol reacts with the fatty acids to form the mono-alkyl ester, or biodiesel and crude glycerol. In most production methanol or ethanol is the alcohol used (methanol produces methyl esters, ethanol produces ethyl esters) and is base catalyzed by either potassium or sodium
In this experiment, the Fischer Esterification of an unknown acid and an unknown alcohol was used to prepare an unknown ester. Sulfuric acid was used as a catalyst in the reaction which then was put under reflux. After cooling, the pH of the solution was raised to approximately 8 using sodium carbonate. Diethyl ether was added, then the aqueous layer was removed and the organic layer was washed with sodium chloride. The aqueous layer was removed again and sodium sulfate was added. The unknown product was then identified using gas chromatography (GC) to obtain the retention time.
The purpose of this experiment was to synthesize isopentyl acetate via an esterification reaction between acetic acid and isopentyl alcohol, using concentrated sulfuric acid as a catalyst. The product was washed with sodium hydrogen carbonate, as well as with water, then dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate. The product was then distilled using a Hickman still and characterized using infrared spectroscopy. The percent yield of isopentyl acetate was 61.52%. This may have been low due to not all of the condensed product being removed from the Hickman still, some product being lost during transfer of the product from the reaction tube into the Hickman still, or the loss of some product due to evaporation during distillation.
To transition from an alcohol to an alkene, the alcohol must be dehydrated with the help of an acid through a reaction known as an E1 mechanism.1 The first step of an E1 reaction is the formation of a carbocation intermediate. This carbocation is produced by the removal of a halogen or a substituted group.2 In this experiment, the hydroxy (OH ) group of the alcohol is removed and this produces the carbocation. The OH- group is removed due to the presence of phosphoric acid. The phosphoric acid is used in the process of adding an additional H+ to the OH- group on the alcohol and assists the OH- in leaving, making the reaction an acid catalyzed dehydration. Another reagent used along with phosphoric acid is heat, which is often used in acid catalyzed dehydration.1
In this experiment, an unknown alcohol underwent a Fischer Esterification reaction by reacting it with acetic acid as well as sulfuric acid catalyst. The unknown product material was purified through distillation and characterized by analyzing an IR spectrum and determining the density of the product. In addition, the boiling point test was performed to test for an ester. Lastly, the starting material, an unknown alcohol, was determined after finding out the product and examining the IR spectrum for the reactant.
Stearyl alcohol prevents from end-mixture to separate back into its original oil and liquid components.
The main purpose of this experiment was to synthesize banana oil (isopentyl acetate.) Ester are often prepared by the Fischer esterification method, which involves heating a carboxylic acid with an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst.
The Four Chaplins used perseverance, passion, and teamwork to help those who were in need. Firstly, the Chaplins used perseverance to calm down the soldiers. Specifically, the soldiers were in such a hurry to get off the sinking vessel they could not focus on what they had to do. Thus, they helped the soldiers by talking to them and calming them down. Secondly, the Chaplins used passion to help save the soldiers. For example, they were handing everyone lifejackets and when they ran out they sacrifice their own lifejackets and lives to save their fellow men. Therefore, they put the lives of others before theirs. Thirdly, the Four Chaplins showed teamwork by working together despite their religions. For instance, two of the Chaplins were Protestant,
After the transesterification process was complete the LEA was separated from the biofuel, and water/methanol mixture using an Erlenmeyer filtering funnel utilizing both course and fine filters (Whatman 1541-125 and 1542-125). A 1:1 solvent to water ratio (300 mL) and a 3:1 solvent to chloroform ratio (100 mL) were added to induce a phase separation. Phase separation was allowed to occur overnight. Biofuel and chloroform were separated from the methanol/water mixture using a separation funnel. The chloroform and biofuel were separated by evaporating and recovering the chloroform by heating the mixture to 62°C and then running the chloroform gas through a condenser. Samples were taken of each product and byproduct excluding chloroform so that
In this experiment, a Fischer Esterification reaction was performed with two unknown compounds. The unknown compounds, Acid 2 and Alcohol D, were identified by using the knowledge of the reaction that took place, and the identity of the product that was synthesized. The identification of the product resulted from analysis of IR and NMR spectra.
Purpose: The purpose of the experiment was to perform the acid-catalyzed Fischer Esterification of acetic acid and isopentyl alcohol to form isopentyl acetate, or banana oil, which is used in flavor industries. The equilibrium of the reaction was changed by adding an excess amount of acetic acid. The reaction was refluxed and product was purified by extraction and distillation. Isopentyl acetate was analyzed by infrared spectroscopy and 1H NMR spectroscopy.
Esters are organic compounds which are naturally found in many flowers and fruits, esters are also created synthetically by a reaction between a carboxylic acid and an alcohol leading the formation of an ester, and water called esterification. The reaction uses an acid catalyst to speed up the process ex. Sulfuric acid (p.51 Nelson, 2010).
The purpose of this experiment is to prepare an ester. Esters are a type of organic compound, and these compounds are very prevalent in today's society because they contribute to scents/fragrances/aromas, flavoring, and even lubrication. Moreover, this experiment allows us to understand more of the esterification process, in which the synthesis of esters is due to the esterification reaction of a carboxylic acid and an alcohol. In this experiment, we studied ester #6. By completing the procedure for this reaction, we detected the odor of wintergreen.
In this experiment, the focus will be the synthesis and characterization of biodiesel fuel. Biodiesel seems to have become the substitute for fossil fuel. It can also be an alternative for the petroleum-based biodiesel. By having renewable resources such as corn, soybeans, peanuts and other makes biodiesel a viable option. Using these resources wouldn’t help alleviate the problems with fossil fuel in the US. Biodiesel is produced from the transesterification reaction of vegetable oil. Transesterification is the reversible reaction where one ester is converted into another by exchanging an ester group with an alcohol in the presence of a base.
Tables 1.4 and 1.5 present the detailed properties of biodiesel obtained by synthesis based on the starting oil, as well as a general guide to biodiesel properties with regard to the type of oil contained in chain departure [29]. Table 1.5 shows that it is advantageous to use an oil with short chain and saturated. Indeed, in this case only the calorific value is not favored. The five most common channels in vegetable oils chains are palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic and linolenic. As mentioned above, the FFA content influences the process and the final properties of biodiesel.
• Fats/0ils are reacted with alc0h0l (methan0l), using a str0ng alkaline catalyst (s0dium hydr0xide Na0H 0r ρ0tassium hydr0xide K0H)