
Describe The Unique Traits Of Matthew From The Four Gospels

Satisfactory Essays

Name: Matthew/Levi
Birthplace/ Hometown: speculated both place Galilee, Israel. His Hometown was Capernaum.
Occupation: he was a tax collector.
Occasion of Jesus' calling: Jesus saw him siting at a tax collector booth and said to him to follow him and he got up and followed Christ.
Distinctive Mentions the Gospel: Matthew is mentioned throughout all four Gospels multiple times alongside all the rest of the disciples. He’s is also mentioned when Jesus called him to be a disciple.
Unique traits: Matthew shows great Faith when he drops every thing in order to follow Jesus he even throws a party to celebrate. Greed a big part of that would be the love of money. Strength to do something even if you are hated by others.
Public ministry after Jesus

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