
Describe Your Happy Place

Decent Essays

Where is your happy place? I grew up on the mid north coast of NSW in a small town called Valla Beach which was nestled between the bush and the beach. Because it was such a small town in which most people knew each other, I was granted relative freedom to roam the native environment and explore. I have very fond memories of riding my scooter up and down the streets with my friends and neighbours, cantering through the bush in front of my house, making up stories about my life if I had lived there and spending all day on the beach, crisping in the sun. Being inside seemed like such a dull affair when you could be immersed in a different world, a natural world. I feel as if these early life experiences led me to always have a special connection with the natural environment as it was the one true place that I could seek comfort and clarity – my happy place.
Across the road from my house was extensive bushland that stretched a few kilometres until it was cut off by the highway. In many ways, it was my childhood playground. There was a small dam in the bushland that I often took my dog to play fetch and cool off. There was a bush track that winded up and down hills and ended in a small little clearing and there was also dirt bike tracks that a local boy had made from scrap materials. When I was 12, a housing development crew came to town and begun marking out the land to demolish to build new estates and within weeks they were underway. They began draining the dam to make way

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