
Descriptive Essay About Basketball

Decent Essays

“Lebron is going off”, my father was telling me. I could barely hear it though over how loud was at the insane game. I was the game of the year. The Cavs and Warriors were playing in game 7 of the finals. I didn’t think a crowd could be so loud and energetic. Halftime was coming up. The score was 49-42. The halftime show was about to start. The players ran to their locker rooms. Then, out of nowhere, “BANG”. It was loudest sound I have ever heard. After that a dance group emerged. They were flipping like snowflakes in the air through the main doors. They were dressed in all white. The crowd then got louder than ever before. The Shaq suddenly emerged out of the main doors. He busted out moves right in the middle of the court. I’m not gonna lie, they were terrible. It was very funny though. After what felt like an eternity of Shaq’s terrible moves, the most insane moment of my life occurred. It started with the dance group vanishing back through the main doors. Shaq was then alone at halfcourt holding a basketball. I noticed something around his neck however. When I asked my dad what he thought it was, he said it was binoculars. Shaq then started looking through his binoculars scanning the entire Oracle Arena. It seemed like he was looking right at me. There was no way though. Suddenly, he gave an awkward head nod. A little boy then brought him out a microphone. Shaq yelled into the microphone, “You, in the Curry jersey!” It seemed like he was pointing right at me. Shaq then

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