
Descriptive Essay About Football

Decent Essays

It was a bitterly cold Friday night in October. The frosty grass crunched below as if you were walking on a frozen tundra. The moon was full and the home stands were packed with screaming teenagers. The sweet aroma of hot chocolate and pumpkin spice lattes carried over to the sideline as the homecoming football game entered the fourth quarter. We were playing our cross city rivals, Enloe High School. This annual game was equivalent to the Super Bowl between the worst two teams in the league. Both teams knew that their only chance to win a game that season would be this game. While everyone in the stands cheered for the star players like the quarterback and wide receivers, I was the little kicker nobody knew. While key players were out on the field making plays and smashing into one another, I spent most my time sitting on the cold bench drinking Gatorade. While being the field goal kicker may have been considered a minuscule role, a single field goal kick can determine who wins the game. As the seconds slowly ticked away from the clock, the game became nail bitingly close. Everyone in the stadium was standing as if they were about to explode if we scored. The school marching band was jamming on their brass instruments while the cheerleaders chanted “GO CAPS!”. Suddenly, through all this chaos I could hear the head coach screaming “Eli!”. The scoreboard read 27-28, with three seconds left in the game. I needed to make a chip shot field goal to win the biggest game of my

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