
Descriptive Essay About My Neighborhood

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“Go to your houses and lock every door and window.” I remember hearing the intercom speakers say throughout the neighborhood. My neighborhood is usually known as the Sun Rays Neighborhood Complex. It consists of twenty-two mansions. Most people who don't live here think that we are rude and snotty people. My best friend Brooke lives in the house next to mine. Well she used to be my best friend, but we haven't really talked since eighth grade. I miss being close friends with Brooke, although we still kind of keep in touch through social media. Luckily Brooke will be transferring to Sun Rays High School with me this junior year. The other day Brooke texted me, asking if I wanted to hang out with her. I told her sure, but I was a bit confused why she just randomly asked me to hang out. “Hey Lauren!” Brooke shouted from her yard. “Oh, hi Brooke how are you?”. “Good.” Said Brooke. “I was wondering if you wanted to come over earlier?” “Sure I'll be right over.” I said walking back inside. So I went inside and quickly packed a bag. We played soccer in her yard, we made cookies, and also watched a movie. Then around six I went home. It was really fun getting to catch up with each others lives. After a few weeks Brooke and I hung out a lot more, and we started doing a lot of things together. Two weeks before school started Brooke was over at my house because her parents were dropping her brothers off at college. Brooke was at my house for six days. We held an end of summer party for

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