
Descriptive Essay About Turkey Dinner

Decent Essays

Turkey Dinner The Farris wheels right behind me and the other fans, and the French fry stand is to my left. There’s a heap of people waiting for a seat at the stand. Right in the center of the hill, behind the general admission ticket booth. Which, is absolutely packed by the way. The line is going all the way out to the parking lot and they are saying that over four thousand people are waiting in the line so they can get a good seat, little do they know it is almost already sold out from online ticket sales. It seems as if every race fan in the northeast is here. Which wouldn’t surprise me, by the end of the night there was not a seat in the grandstands and the infield was standing room only. The turkey dinner from the church stand during fair week is everyone’s favorite, including mine. Reason number one, the home cooked nature of the meal makes you feel at home away from home, which is such a rare feeling. For me, it’s one of my favorite feeling, the conformableness but also knowing that adventure is around the next corner. The fact that the people are so genuinely nice at the church stand is refreshing in the competitive, cutthroat atmosphere surrounded by the fifty thousand dollars to win event. They donate their tips every year, and this year they donated to the Hurricane Harvey relief. They also offer the “please” and “thank you” that many have seemed to forget over the past few. My favorite part is that they use dinner plates and silverware. It makes you feel

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