I wake up on an island with many others. I count up to 99 other than me. Above me there is a screen that is counting down from one minute, some of the others around me are screaming and going insane but at least half are calm waiting to see what happens when the timer runs out. I walk over to a man in a light blue tuxedo and ask him “do you know where we are?” the man answers “An island in Russia” I say “thanks” and walk back to the timer it reads 5 seconds I count down the time then my vision goes blank.
When I open my eyes I’m on a plane with the other players and a map of what I guess is the island the man in blue told me about. I have a parachute on my back I’m guessing with black masks will force us off the plane we wait about 20 minutes and the women next to me asks “do you want to team up” I say “what for, what is gonna happen?” she responds with “you don’t know?, everyone on this plane will have to fight to the death to survive the last people standing whether it be one person or a team they get to survive and go to the next game. But I don’t want to be in a team with someone who’s a beginner and hasn’t even play one game.” The cargo planes haul started to open and the pressure filled the plane then men with black masks started to throw people off the plane they went from back to front through the rows so I’ll be third to last to get thrown off I have about five minutes to get ready to get thrown off. They
The purpose of the song is to connect Australian citizens to Australia as their home. It is broad enough, meaning that other nationalities can relate to the song and relate the song to their home. However, the main audience of for the text are native, Indigenous Australians and Torres Strait islanders since the song was written in their view. This song can also be an audience for refugees and/or immigrants of any country. Christine Anu is born in Cairns, North Queensland of Torres Strait Island descent, Australia's premier urban-style pop singer. Christine Anu's connection to with her family heritage was the time her father pulled out his guitar, put downward the mats on the veranda of the family home, and encouraged a family sing-along, singing island songs. Her version of Neil Murray's Warumpi Band "My Island Home” the song which has come Anu's trademark was released three months later, as a prelude to the release of the May, 1995, album Styling up. "My Island Home" was the winning 'Song of the Year' at the 1995 APRA Awards 3 and Styling' Up winning an ARIA Award for Best Indigenous Release.
For bench marking and to help raise PSSA test scores, Carmichaels Elementary uses the software Study Island which focuses on common core standards. The program provides lessons and activities that aim to meeting the common core standards and what a student may encounter on the PSSAs. Study Island is also a instructional and diagnostic tool that helps prepare for standardized tests. Study Island is adapted according to the state standards to be met. The program is user friendly and can be used anywhere with internet access. Study Island is used to support needs and skill areas that need focused on. For the 2014-2015 school year on Study Island grading scale, 97% of students in third grade scored proficient while three percent scored basic or
One of the most beautiful stretch of beaches on the East coast of Florida; Hutchinson Island is an island off the coast of the Treasure Coast. It is home to 48.1 square miles and also beautiful, tropical weather year round. It has many other interesting festivities such as the Elliot Museum, Sailfish Point, and many royal golf courses. The bold actions of James Hutchinson were a major influence to the growth of the island and it might not be the same without him!
While growing up, I was always told that once you have hit rock bottom, you have nowhere else to go but up. That advice always seemed to come from relatives that had just had a life changing events happen and were just trying to be optimistic. I never realized how true it was until I became homeless in Hawaii.
The thing that I miss most about summer is King's island. I had a pass so I could go when I wanted to and it was always a fun time. It is a good time to hang out with friends and go on rides. My favorite ride there is the beast because it isn’t too bumpy and it has a ton of sharp turns and caves. It also is slightly scary with all of the fake warning signs. The food at Kings Island is also decent so I wouldn’t have to go get lunch. If I get tired of the rides then I can go on the water rides and the wave pool. The water rides don’t usually have the longest of lines if you get there early but if not then they are worth it. My favorite overall is the Tropical Plunge. This ride has the drop shoot, You stand in a vertical tube and you wait for the countdown and the floor drops underneath your feet. You then shoot down the tube and you make it to the end. All of these factors make Kings Island a very fun place, and the thing that I miss the most from summer.
“Ahh. I took a deep breath of sweet air that smelled of fudge, which was accented by manure from one of the most popular things about Mackinac Island- horses! It was awesome to be back here after a year. Every year, it is hard to leave Mackinac. Every year, leaving is like breaking a chain that keeps you tied to the island. Every year, I miss the horses and the fudge, the amazing views and skipping rocks in the water. All of these finer qualities of Mackinac Island and more, makes me not want to leave. Once back home last year, the hours in a day seemed to drag along, but I’d look back at the end of the week and think: wow, it’s been a week already?
Before Hawai’i became the island it is today with constant struggles between nature and development, it was a series of volcanic eruptions and once the volcano was able to reach the surface it became land. When Hawai’i was discovered it was found by the natives from Marquesas and when they found the islands they were able to witness a habitat lush with its own plants, waterfalls, springs, and animals. So how was it that hawai’i was able to develop itself without the aid of humans, although some would like to sum up the island's efforts to magic. The creation of Hawai’i’s habitat was done a natural way and developed over the years. Above the island is fast moving air currents known as the Jet Stream which moves along the world, this Jet Stream picks up particles. And every year
With soaring temperatures, pool parties during the day and the hottest clubs in the country to heat up these hot nights, there’s no place like Las Vegas in the summer. However, having an equal opportunity appreciation for more traditional summertime fare, Sin City Press hit the road for a few days to visit a different, yet equally popular summer destination, scenic and historic New England. During the summer of 2015, we visited three unique travel destinations, and here’s what we found: Located approximately 35 miles from the state capital of Providence, historic and picturesque Newport Rhode Island has played host to many filming locations for both movies and television, and has been the subject of just as many features in print (notably, Theophilus North). Thanks to Ms. Andrea Carneiro, Director of Communications for the Newport Preservation Society, we were able to visit one of the city’s most notable attractions, the Newport Mansions.
When I close my eyes and imagine, I can still clearly hear the gentle splash of the waves lapping the shoreline, and feel the slight ocean breeze whizz through my hair, sending it flying in every direction. During the frigid and dreary months of Missouri’s winter, there is one place in particular that my heart longs to be. Marco Island, Florida. When most people think of a luxurious vacation, they imagine crystal clear water, snowy white sands, and a miraculous five star hotel. Marco Island is no Bora Bora, but to me it’s the most enchanting small town that values simplicity and offers pure bliss to anyone coming to visit.
The main character in the story is Jim Hawkins. He is a young boy who looks for adventure. He and a few experienced men search for Ben Gunn, and want to have him enlist in their cause. They steal the Hispanolia (a ship) and return it to the captain to which it rightfully belongs.
The average U.S. citizen emits about four pounds of municipal solid waste each day. While this number may seem insignificant, think about approximately four pounds multiplied by our current population of about 318.9 million, or the population of Earth, 7.125 billion. With this in mind, think about all of the other detrimental effects we are causing to our planet. Most humans are not concerned for our planet, nor do we care about other species inhabiting Earth, which may lead us to consider other ways of living, such as Nash’s idea of an island civilization.
When people plan to attend Hawaii they think of beautiful beaches, great exotic food, and the smell of wonderful flowers never before smelt. That is exactly what they get, from turquoise blue water to skyscraping palm trees Hawaii has so many exotic things to see. Also all the great smells of Hawaii from the wild fruit to the roasted pig on the beach Hawaii definitely brings to mind one thing happiness. In Hawaii there are many things that bring happiness to mind such as the extravagant smells, not to mention the beautiful sights, and most of all the spectacular taste in the exquisite food they have in Hawaii.
Easter Island was once a haven for its inhabitants. It provided them with all of their needs, food, shelter, tools, and even the ability to create great works of art. They abused this Eden, and turned it into a disaster, with almost no natural resources. This could very well happen to us, because our earth is the same Eden that Easter Island once was.
I walked along the beach. As I was walking I could feel the fresh smell of the beach like it was an air freshener but it also smelled that gave me a tingle in my nose. As I kept walking along the beach I could feel the light breeze coming against me. This fresh air felt warm as I felt like I was sleeping in a comfortable bed. I kept walking in the beach, as I did it felt like an escape to all my problems and also my stress. Beach felt like a solution to all my problems and could be open with anything.
The warm breeze of the ocean air flies past my face. The heat of the yellow sun was sizzling, beating down against my skin, tanning and burning it within seconds. Beach goers were crowded around in all directions. Seagulls gliding past the groups of people, scouting for dropped or forgotten food to eat. Their little footprints marking a trail in the sand all over the place, going in a million different directions, searching for their next meal. I take in the exquisiteness of it all, the blue-green waves crashing into the sandy shore, making white foam and bubbles wash into the sea, little boys and girls that are digging in the bright white sand running away from the small waves before they get wet. The beach is a stunning place to be; there's just something about the ocean waves and the sand between my toes that makes me just want to stay there forever.