
Descriptive Essay On Soccer

Decent Essays

This past year was the first year in my high school athletic career that I played starting goalie for the soccer team. I played previous years, but they were different as I was not in goal. The feeling and excitement of being in goal was like a euphoria. We do not always win but being a goalie changed my life! I have played soccer since I was in 8th grade. It is a way for me to release my aggression in a healthy and stable way. I have played defense and offense, but I had never been a goalie until August 28th, 2017. Earlier in the day at around 11:00 am I had people already doubting me saying that I was not going to be good at all. I kinda took offense to it, but let it go away and tried to prove them all wrong. It was the fourth game of the season and our original goalie Sydney Palta injured her wrist by jumping on her trampoline. So my coach thought that it would be a good idea if I tried goalie. I thought that it was going to be a one time thing, but it was not. I was goalie for the rest of the season. It will always be the most important part of my sophomore year. It was very nerve racking, the game was against Merrillville. It was intimidating, I was petrified that my face was going to get dislocated or I was going to get laceration. I was used to getting hurt because I have really bad ankles. I have gotten sprains, strains, and even twisted my ankle in the past, but never before was I in a position where my face could get injured. As I went home that day I put

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