
Descriptive Experience Of A Hotel

Decent Essays

When I was asked to be Shane's godmother it was around my mom's birthday. In November my mom made reservation for a hotel in Ohio. Fast forward to January. After school on Friday my mom, sister, Nana, and I started heading to Ohio. On the way to the hotel we stopped at the TA so we could get something to eat and use the rest. When I walk past Subway and Pizza Hut the smell was so amazing, the smell of both places where so good, I didn’t know which one to pick. I ended up getting Pizza Hut because seeing all the cheese melts in your mouth when you take a bit. We back on the road, we get to the city were the hotel was. We get a parking spot, and we head into the hotel. When you walk into the hotel it smells like you are at factory making good smelling cleaning supplies. My mom and Nana goes to the front desk to check into the hotel, they're just standing there talking to an employee about our room. All the sudden I hear the employee say," you have a hotel reservation for August sixth and seventh. My mom said in an annoyed voice we need a room; my daughter is becoming a godmother in two days. As my mom and Nana were trying to get a room I was started getting nervous, because normally you need a reservation before you get to the hotel. So, I didn’t know what was going to happen. My mom and Nana were at the front desk for a good hour or so, finally the employee was able to get us a room. We get up to our room, we walk in and it felt like a little living room, but boy was it

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