
Desdemona's Strength In Othello

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Othello's strength signifies power since he has been assigned as the general of the army because of his strength. In addition, the fact that Desdemona confirmed what Othello has said to the Duke and the fact that she expresses her love for Othello before her father must strengthen Othello.
Othello believed that he does not have the qualities the white men have, so his love, as a black man, for a white woman might be considered as prohibited incest. Othello says: To pray at fortune. Haply, for I am black And have not those soft parts of conversation …show more content…

Iago once sees Cassio holding Desdemona's hand while talking to her, so he decides to convince Othello that his wife cheats on him.

Iago's wife, Emilia, is Desdemona's attendant, which makes Iago make use of this as well. Iago tells Othello that he has heard Cassio call out Desdemona's name in his sleep, and he suspects Desdemona and Cassio to be in love. This makes Othello get anxious about losing his wife's love for him; he says: "She's gone. I am abused; and my relief/ Must be to loathe her. O curse of marriage,"(3. 3. 269-270).

Othello gets so anxious about losing his wife that he does not search for a piece of evidence himself, but rather he asks Iago to prove to him that his wife has a love affair with Cassio, which indicates his fear and anxiety as a man who might lose his love object and his contingent masculinity to another man.

Iago also makes use of the fact that Othello is a simple person who believes every lie Iago tells. Othello has described Iago once saying that "This fellow's of exceeding honesty, /And knows all qualities, with a learned spirit," (3. 3.

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