
Desegregation In Schools Essay

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Desegregation in Public Buildings
In addition, public buildings were challenged by local members of the NAACP Youth Council and the Pensacola Council of Ministers to create integrated communities of equality. With the establishment of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, discrimination was illegal based on your race, color, sex, religion, or national origin. This was implemented in voting registration, at schools, but more importantly in the workplace and public buildings. In Pensacola, the NAACP Youth Council and Pensacola Council of Ministers played an important part in conducting sit-ins and other actions of protest to desegregate the lunch counters. The influence for these sit-ins came from the national and state level, as Pensacola was a place that was not prone to performing protests of such a large degree. Much of the inspiration for …show more content…

This was a sit-in on February 1, 1960, where four African American males defied a segregated system much like the one in Pensacola. Help came from people like Rev. Williams Curtis Dobbins, whose hometown was Montgomery, Alabama. He was the minister of St. Paul’s Methodist church, and had an important impact in the NAACP Youth Council. His influence on the public was noticed, and he became an important advocate for Civil Rights in the Pensacola region. He implemented new ideas, like the movement to end the racial discrimination at the lunch counters, through written letter . These letters were done to express what the African American people of this town felt on the matter of racial discrimination. Doing something like this allowed for the local NAACP members to get an overview of what the many store managers thought of the comments in the letters. Many stated Pensacola faced racial tensions like many southern and northern states, but leaders like Rev. Williams Curtis Dobbins brought the people of a

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