
Design With The Blind: Oppression Of People With Disabilities

Decent Essays

Having a disability means having unique abilities
Many people with disabilities have long faced discrimination and it seems that they are not fully accepted without stigma. Those living with a disability have been given many labels by society such as, being less than others, unfortunate, deserving of compassion, even pity. However, I feel that those living with a disability can turn their weaknesses into a special strength making them unique and perfectly able. My whole life I heard the term “disabled” as if they are incapable of doing what others can do. Instead, we should stop and consider they are people first and their disability does not define who they are. There are many mental disabilities as well that society is very ignorant to for example, Depression.
We need to understand that those suffering from depression have issues they struggle with that run deep …show more content…

Chris Downey, Lecturer on “Design with the Blind in mind” states, “being blind is having the feeling of fear, confusion, and vulnerability”. In making this comment, Downey urges us to stop and consider how the blind are totally oblivious to the world around them. Common sense seems to dictate that the blind must rely on their nonvisual senses. Those unfamiliar with this school of thought may be interested to know that it basically boils down to relying on sounds, smells, even the sun, and wind. To help guide them to the places they need to go also to identify their surroundings. Unless you have a family member or a friend who is disabled, you might feel uneasy about what to say or do when you are around a person with a disability. Many of us fail to recognize that those who have a disability are extremely adaptive they simply learn to live their lives differently. Many people do not know how to communicate well with a person that has a disability therefore, selfishly labeling and treating them as if they are less

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