
Determinants Of Inflation And Unemployment

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Inflation and unemployment are two of the most important economic performance indicators, and both are watched closely by analysts and businesses. Economists often cite he misery index, which includes the unemployment and inflation rate, as measuring the health of the economy. The Bartavian Bureau of Labor Statistics regularly releases a jobs report that economists and Bartavian policy makers follow closely and use to create policy.

Unemployment and inflation both have long-run determinants, although natural unemployment is dependent on numerous features of the labor market, like minimum-wage laws, unions’ market power, efficiency wages, and the effectiveness of the job search. Growth in money supply is the primary determinant of the inflation rate, and it is controlled by Bartavia’s central bank. Therefore, inflation and unemployment do not affect one another in the long-run.

However, inflation and unemployment affect one another in the short-run. There is a short-run trade-off between inflation and unemployment, as exemplified by the Phillips curve. The Phillips curve is a downward sloping line that shows the trade-off, as inflation gets lower as unemployment grows, and vice versa. Monetary and fiscal policymakers often expand aggregate-demand, forcing the economy to move up along the short-run aggregate-supply curve, but this causes a rapidly rising price level. If the monetary and fiscal policymakers did the opposite and contracted aggregate-demand, the economy moves

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