
Developmental Psychology

Satisfactory Essays

Elam, K. K., Harold, G. T., Neiderhiser, J. M., Reiss, D., Shaw, D. S., Natsuaki, M. N., . . . Leve, L. D. (2014). Adoptive parent hostility and children’s peer behavior problems: Examining the role of genetically informed child attributes on adoptive parent behavior. Developmental Psychology, 50(5), 1543-1552. This source goes against the belief that nature and nurture even paly that much of a significant role in the way children grow up to portray themselves. Elam and Shaw say that it’s all about personal choices. They feel that through their recent discoveries that this is proven to be substantial. For the past few years they have watched and analyzed the difference between adopted and biological children and the way that they are being …show more content…

Kimberly is a student from Michigan State University who studied Psychology and Child Development which was the gateway to her intriguing findings. I will use her article in my paper to show the differences between the two topics. This will also be helpful for me to weigh out which one is more effective and accepted in today’s point of view. Levesque, Roger J. R. "Addendum to the Special Issue Entitled Genetic Influences on Peer and Family Relationships Across Development." (n.d.): n. page. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Springer US, 01 Aug. 2015. Web. 13 Oct. 2017. Professor Levesque is now upholding the position of Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Not only is this the first journal devoted to the study of adolescence, it is also one of the most cited journal of its kind. Professor Levesqueia also the editor of Advancing Responsible Adolescent Development, which is a book series examining not only social but individual factors as well that contribute to adolescents and their responsibility in many ways and point of views. This is a source that can be used in many ways. I am going to use this source to exemplify how the child’s development is affected by the way they are raised and nurtured. Another factor that is discussed is the genetics, the nature side of things. This will help me evaluate the process of child development and whether genetics or surroundings are

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