
Devices : Characters And Themes In August Wilson's Fences

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The title of a book or play is usually one of the most critical parts of the piece. The term "fences" has different meanings to everyone. For most people, a fence is considered a solid boundary line around a space. But for some, the meaning of "fences" goes deeper than that. In crafting this play, August Wilson had to be deliberate about choosing a title that would represent the meaning of the work as a whole and allow readers to connect with the characters and overall plot. So, why Fences? In August Wilson's Fences, multiple representations of fences such as protection, conflict, and illness are seen, connecting back to the title and allowing readers to relate to the characters and their various fences.
Rose's fence represents a fence that many mothers create because it symbolizes protection and is used to keep her loved ones close. Bono says, "Some people build fences to keep people out… and other people build fences to keep people in. Rose wants to hold on to you all. She loves you,"(Wilson, 61). This quote shows Rose's total devotion to her family. Many moms can relate to this sort of motherly protectiveness and want to stay close to their family throughout the entirety of their lives. At the very end of the play, Rose says, "I took on Raynell like she was all them babies I wanted and never had," (Wilson, 98). Although Rose was not able to have more than one child, she protected every person that came into her house including Gabe, Cory, Lyons, and Raynell. Rose’s

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