
Dialectical Journal Chapter 19 Analysis

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The hardest times in friendships are saying goodbye, especially when a friendship is as strong as the friendship that Doug and John have with one another. During chapter 19, Doug has John play statues with him, thinking that time will become slower and his relationship with John will last longer. “’Statues!’ Everyone froze. Very quietly Douglas moved across the lawn where John Huff stood like an iron deer in the twilight” (Bradbury 108-109). In addition, at the end of chapter 19, while John said his last goodbyes to Doug, he made a promise. “’Tom,’ said Douglas, ‘just promise me one thing, okay?’ ‘It’s a promise. What?’ ‘You may be my brother and maybe I hate you sometimes, but stick around, all right?’” (Bradbury 112). At the end of the chapter,

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