Language Essay
Conflict refers to some of disagreement or a discord with a group, when the beliefs or actions of one or more members of the group are either resisted by or unacceptable to one or more members of another group. Conflict can arise between members of the same group, known as intragroup conflict.
So this mean that a conflict is when two or more persons or groups have like a discussion or like a disagreement, so they discussed about the conflict they have.
Diary of Anne Frank
1.First Anne Frank had a conflict because the nazis hate jews people and they want to kill all the jewish people that were in the world, so they want to kill all of them, because they have some problems with them, also the nazis don't let them to do some things like they can't used fancy things and also they can't used cars. Because Hitler hate the jewish people.
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3.Anne Frank she was sad because her dad wasn't with them and because nazi people were searching for them but they were on some place like a basement or like that, but also she was like in home because she went to the basement with all the things her dad gave her, also with her diary.
4.They were fighting and hiding to still be alive, and all the things that happened to her or her family, she putted on her diary and she always write on the diary the things that happened to her family, but the diary doesn't made her good, because she was scary of the nazis to kill her, she was only thirteen years old so he was so scared about what will happen if the nazis found them,
In 1933, the nazi took power in Germany, which cause depression to a lot of people. At the beginning, Nazi defy the Jews, Gypsies, and the disabled. In March 1933, the first concentration camp was built and later on more concentration and death camps were made. A family named the Franks went into hiding with the Van Daans in Amsterdam. In “Anne Frank” the characters face adversity and conflict like man vs self, man vs nature, and man vs man that makes the “Diary of Anne Frank” a wonderful story.
The holocaust was a horrible time in people's lives and it killed six million people. Even though this happened to so many people Anne Frank was someone that so many people look up to because of her diary that she wrote during this time. Anne Frank, her family, and the Van Danns all spent 25 months in the secret annex. Dussel was someone that came in later so it was very tight for 8 people to be living under certain circumstances for that long. They hoped to stay hidden until they were liberated but they were caught and sadly the only one that lived through the concentration camps was Mr.Frank. Many historical events took place in Anne Frank. Even though most of these things occurred while they were in hiding, it still changed the characters mood and relationships.
Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party killed millions of people in the short time of six years during World War II. Other people, such as Anne Frank and her family, tried to avoid the cruel intentions of the Nazis by hiding in an annex for two years. The historical events of World War II affected the lives of Anne and the others hiding in the annex. Historical events in The Diary of Anne Frank causes extensive changes to the drama. Two primary changes that occur due to historical events are the character’s traits and the mood of the drama.
Adolf Hitler was a horrible man, and he made Jew's lives horrible. Killing and torturing more than 6 million, just because they’re Jewish. The drama by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett shows that Anne Frank and 7 others crammed themselves into a secret annex building for 25 months straight. Little did they know, their few month hiding place became a few year hiding place. Hiding from the Nazis, the 8 always lived in faltering hope that the Allied Forces would come and save them from Hitler’s reign of terror. The historical events in The Diary of Anne Frank changed the behaviors of the characters as well as the relationships between characters.
Anne Frank was born to Otto and Edith Frank in the late 1920’s, alongside her older sister, Margot Frank, who was born three years before Anne. This small family of four were just ordinary working class people trying to make a living like everyone else. Both Anne and Margot lover school and their friends. They both also really enjoyed writing, which included diary entries every day. Both girls, particularly Anne, wrote down every event and feeling she experienced. Which lead to the famous diary we now know to be of Anne Frank’s life during the Holocaust. Anne Frank’s spectacular ability to remain joyous and courageous through her outstanding struggle are displayed through the three main point of her life before the Holocaust, living in
Conflict is simply a disagreement or argument that can occur between two individual, groups of people in an organisation or between an employer and an employee.
Many, many people suffered during the Holocaust war. The Jews in particular were in grave danger. The drama ‘Anne Frank’ outlines so many ways that this historical event caused a shift in the mood of the characters and their relationships. Before the Holocaust, Anne Frank was just an ordinary Jewish girl living in Germany. A German leader named Adolf Hitler developed a plan to destroy the Jews and to rule over the specific places where they lived. What Hitler did to these poor Jews, and the sheer terror they endured at the hands of this Nazi leader is purely unfathomable.
Otto, her father, was a very well respected businessman and a leader of the Jewish community. Anne had one sibling, a sister named Margot, who was two years older. At the time, the country 's leader was Adolf Hitler, his followers that supported him were known as “Nazi’s”. Hitler blamed Germany 's economic disasters on the Jewish people, in order to fix this, he wanted to annex people who practiced the Jewish faith out of the country. He sent these people to concentration camps, better known as death camps. It was almost impossible for anyone to survive. The camps consisted of gas chambers, leading poison into a room killing everyone. The main cause of death was starvation, and the poor conditions leading to diseases. Throughout the book, she explains how hard it was to for her, and her family to get away from these horrible tragedies that took place. “Think of all the beauty still left around you and be happy.” Anne tried to see the positives in life, but it is hard when a grand genocide is happening.
Conflict is a process that every one of us has experienced throughout our lives. There are various definitions of conflict as described by different authors. Generally, conflict is a process whereby, one individual’s interest is opposed or negatively affected by the other party (Yoder-Wise,2015).
¨But you know what I sometimes think? I think the world may be going through a phase, the way I was with Mother. It´ll pass, maybe not for hundreds of years, but some day . . . I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are really good at heart.¨ (Frank 510) For as long as humans have been alive there was conflict and for a while that was resolved with violence and that has created many great inventions and awful ones too but, humans were killing each other and we can't grow if we don't work together. That was the way to deal with conflict for a while but now we are starting to deal with conflict in more humane ways, at least some of us, but there still are wars and they still are awful. The worst battle in humankind was D-Day which
Among the on million of the children killed was Anne Frank. Anne was a Jewish, teenage, girl who's family went into hiding. They stayed hidden for over two years in their Secret Annex. Over the course of these two years, she kept a dairy that has now been published. Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl had been translated into over 60 languages and is read and studdied world-wide. She began the dairy at age thirteen and wrote her last entree at age fifteen. The majority of her diary talks about her time spent in the Secret Annex which was the back part of a spice warehouse owned by her father previous to the Neurenburg Race Laws. The Franks lived with another family, the Van Dann's, and another man named Dussel. On August 4, 1944 German officers stormed the Annex and arrested all families. They were then taken to a transfer camp called Westerbork. They spent roughly one month there before being moved to Auschwitz, a consentration camp. Once off the train men, women, and childern were all separated. That was the last time Anne saw her Father, Mr. Van Dann, Dussel, or Peter. This is when the dehumanization began. People working the camps strped them of glasses, jewlery, shoes, and anything else that made them a individual. In addition to this the Nazi cut their hair and put them all in uniforms so tthey all looked the same. After anther month of
The Diary of Anne Frank is a remarkably moving book about the short life of a young girl and her family. The Holocaust was a horrible time for Jewish people and Anne and her Jewish family’s lives were completely turned upside down as a result. The war resulted in the deaths of countless people, mostly innocent people. Before the invasion on D-day and the end of the war not too long after, the rest of the world didn’t know the real disaster going on over seas. Anne Frank’s once secret diary has introduced the immense suffering and horror that occurred during the Holocaust.
The book diary of Anne Frank is about a teenage girl named Anne Frank. For Anne upcoming birthday she requests a diary so that she can express her thoughts, feelings, and emotions that occur day to day in her daily life. Her parents give it to her and she starts to log about her daily life and relationships with her friends and family. But what she doesn 't realize is her diary docs her horrible life that she has in hiding during the holocaust. Within this book report, the analysis of the book will be given along with the summary of the book by chapter.
In the play The Diary of Anne Frank, several Jews stayed in the Secret Annex. To hide from the Nazis. Even through all Anne went through she still believed all people are still good at heart.
"The Diary of Anne Frank" tells us a story about how her life as a Jew was drastically changing during the Holocaust and the start of World War II (WWII). She was a very intelligent young woman that had hopes and dreams. Anne was a normal teenager trying to find her way in life. All of that changed when the Nuremburg Race Laws were formed. Her father who was a World War I fighter hid his family and friends in a Secret Annex that was blended in with a normal neighborhood. As she lived for months in the Secret Annex, Frank had written her diary, full of her experiences in the Annex. Everything changed though, when she reached the end of her times in the Annex. Hitler's men had found Anne and her family and friends. This memoir adds in to the