
Diary Of Nazi Encounters By Anne Frank

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Anne Frank, a delightful, passionate, and intelligent young girl, intrigued the world with her writing abilities. Her detailed diary of Nazi encounters, very deep personal feelings, and day to day life, was published by her father, Otto Frank, because she was, unfortunately, not able to. During the time of war, Hitler was exploring new ways to eradicate Jewish people because he, and many others Nazis, thought the Germans were a more superior race. Anne and her family were forced into hiding and hidden in secrecy for two years, but eventually were found and taken to concentration camps. Anne Frank was having to exchange a good, fun-filled life to one regulated by the fact that if she was found she, and her family, could be killed or sent …show more content…

He wanted to absorb this wealth for his people. These people were also not originally from German lands thus not part of his dream of a pure Germanic race. Hitler ended up sending many types of peoples to concentration camps, not just the Jews. Traitors, prisoners of wars, communists, persons with mental or physical disabilities, and persons of impure or dirtied blood lines. All were brought to concentration camps which were hidden from public view so they could continue their evil work without any slowdown or outside interference. This plan obviously worked because most of this mass murder wasn 't discovered until the last weeks of the war. Nazis were Germans or persons closely allied with them that followed the beliefs of Hitler.” Nazi is short for National Socialist German Workers Party. “They did not just follow the beliefs, they agree totally with them. Either one was with them totally, or one would be suspected of being against. The Gestapo were the armed police force totally loyal to Hitler who did most of the dirty work of finding the "undesirables" and sending them to concentration camps and making sure they were killed.” E-mail interview with Pietro Luigi Fonda-Patruna. Many people inside other countries across Europe supported Nazi ideology. However, many other countries had to just "watched" as Nazis murdered their victims. They had no means of fighting since

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