
Diction And Imagery In The Most Dangerous Game By Richard Cannell

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In this short story, The Most Dangerous Game, Richard Cannell uses syntax, diction and imagery to heighten the suspense of the story and convey a sense of fear and danger. Rainsford, the main character of the story, feels danger and fear throughout the whole story. The setting of this story is mainly on the Ship Trapped Island that General Zaroff lives on and hunts "game".Rainsford has never been in the situation of being hunted because he has always been the hunter so in the beginning, he doesn't understand what fear the prey own until he is forced to fend for his own life against General Zaroff. Richard Connell wrote this story perhaps because he knows what it feels like to be the predator and the prey. Have you ever been in danger and/or …show more content…

In line 73-76, it says, "An abrupt sound that startled him. Off to the right he heard it, and his ears, expert in such matters, could not be mistaken. Again he heard the sound and again Somewhere, off in the blackness, someone had fired a gun three times." This builds suspense because it doesn't tell you what's going on until later. It makes you feel like you should run and hide but instead, Rainsford goes towards the gunshots to see what is going on. In lines 80-81, it says, "He leapt upon the rail and balanced himself there, to get greater elevation...." The word "...leapt" is there to show how Rainsfort was moving. He was agile and it seemed to be like he knew what he was doing. In line 98-99, it says, "Rainsford remembered the shots. They had come from the right, and doggedly, he swam in that direction...." The word "doggedly" was put there to emphasise how he was swimming. He was swimming in a way that made it seem like he wanted out of there. There are many other quotes regarding diction and that's where we lead to

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