
Did Friar Lawrence Influence Romeo And Juliet's Lives

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Everyone has an influence on the people’s lives that they encounter, no matter how small or insignificant the affect. This can be seen throughout Romeo and Juliet’s lives, in the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, through the actions of many people around them. A number of people, including their parents and Friar Lawrence, have affected them with or without their knowledge. These people, who have affected them, have all had their own part in the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Their parents drove them apart unknowingly; Friar Lawrence promoted the secrecy of their love and marriage, and even the lovers themselves, who both decided they loved each other no matter the obstacles. Other than just people who had an effect in the lives of …show more content…

The Friar had good intentions in the beginning of Romeo and Juliet’s relationship, but his promotion of their secret relationship contributed to the events that all ushered the lovers to their death. He had originally wanted to make Romeo happy and attempt to put an end to the feud. This is true because Friar Lawrence clearly states his intentions in this quote, “For this alliance may so happy prove to turn your household’s rancor to pure love.” (Act 2 Scene 3 Lines 91-92) This shows that his intentions were good in the beginning before everything went downhill, but not everything worked out the way he had planned. He wanted to do everything he possibly could in order to make it that Romeo and Juliet could be together and not have to have any worries. However, the help that he offered both the lovers ended up backfiring in his face with so many problems arising for the plan to be properly executed. His letter never made its way too Romeo which caused the whole plan to fail as a result. Although, the he can be blamed for helping push the lovers in the direction of their doom, but he can’t be completely blamed for the mistake with the letter. Throughout the play there seemed to be forces like fate which are bigger than the characters and that are working to guide Romeo and Juliet to their end. So, despite Friar Lawrence playing a …show more content…

No one forced their hand, some may have pushed them to feel this was the only way to be together, but the action was their own. Romeo for one went out of his way to purchase poison even though the person who sold it to him could get in trouble for doing so. This poison he felt was the only way for his to be with the love of his life forever and used it to end his own life. Then Juliet after seeing Romeo’s dead body before her searched for ways to also stop living. She kissed him in an attempt to use the same poison off his lips, but when that didn’t work she relied on Romeo’s dagger to use to stab herself. Furthermore, the lovers made the choice to pursue each other even after learning that they were on two different sides of a long-lasting feud. Also, as if the feud by itself wasn’t enough to deal with, they had to withstand many obstacles that were placed in their path. They did everything in their power to make sure that no matter what they would be together forever in the end. A quote from Romeo says this very clearly, “And, lips, O you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing death.” (Act 5 Scene 3 Lines 22-24) This shows that with their love as the only thing driving them they are willing to give up anything for the object of their affection, each other. Which then shows that

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