
Did The Constitution Prevent Against Tyranny Dbq

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Will we become North Korea too? The United States Constitution was the second attempt at creating a constitution by the United States of America. Before the United States Constitution, was the Articles of Confederation. It was discarded because it created a weak central government and left most of the power with the state governments. The Constitutional Convention was sparked by Shay’s Rebellion, which was an uprising against the injustices in the Articles of Confederation. James Madison is known as the father of the Constitution because of his role in drafting it. How did the Constitution prevent against tyranny? A tyranny is an oppressive government. A constitution is a body of fundamental principles established for how a state or government should be governed. The Constitution is the structure of the United States government, which dictates the limitation of its powers and the …show more content…

Large states prefer the House of Representatives, as they would have more people in the House. The number of Representatives is appointed according to population, which is one Representative for every thirty-thousand people. (Doc D) Smaller states wouldn’t prefer the House, because the smaller the state, the less Representatives they have, but every state will have at least one. (Doc. D) Small states prefer the Senate, because there are two senators for each state, which means every state has an equal voice in the Senate. (Doc. D) Large states don’t prefer this because it makes it harder for them to pass laws.The evidence shows that having two branches in Congress prevents tyranny. Having two branches fulfills the interests of both the small and large states. The Senate is preferred by the small states, since all the states have the same amount of votes and the larger states prefer the House of Representative, since the number of Representatives is determined by your

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