
Diet : Nutritional Value, Economic Efficiency, Ecological Impact, And Philanthropy

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As demonstrated, all of the problems discussed share a root cause in the US’s current diet. But how do the alternatives compare? Based on the issues presented, four main factors are relevant in assessing a diet: nutritional value, economic efficiency, ecological impact, and philanthropy. A diet of superior nutritional value can be said to contain a higher amounts of beneficial substances, such as fiber and antioxidants, while containing lower amounts of harmful substances, such as saturated fats and LDL cholesterol (Mangels). Not all foods require the same amount of resources to produce. An economically superior diet can be expected to nourish a constant number of persons while consuming less resources. The the means of production for foods of a diet also play a role. If the means used to produce food for a certain diet result in less of a harmful environmental impact, the diet can be considered to be ecologically superior. In the same way, if the means of production for foods of a diet result in less harm to human beings, that diet is philanthropically superior. Based on this criteria, and by using the current meat-inclusive diet as a control, the alternative meat-exclusive diet can be assessed to determine its relative grade. The vegetarian diet can be said to be nutritionally superior because it offers numerous health benefits, including greater quantities of essential nutrients, lower quantities of harmful substances, and lower risk of disease. The most visible health

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