
Combatting Obesity In America

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Combatting Obesity in America When a child gets home from school, they grab a bag of chips and a soda then, they sit on the couch and turn on the television and do not move for hours. Children nowadays do not even have physical education class everyday. This is the beginning of very bad eating habits and lack of exercise habits. Even after sporting events, children are rewarded with Little Debbie's and a juice box even if they lose. Adults are teaching their kids that food is comfort. The amount of adult obesity is at an all time high. Nowadays parents are even worried about childhood obesity. The long term health effects are something people should be concerned about. Obesity in America is not uncommon. According to the most recent data, …show more content…

The obesity levels in America increase year after year. Even adults are becoming more and more overweight. People do not understand that eating whatever they want, whenever they want it is very unhealthy. Louisiana has the highest adult obesity rate at 36.2 percent and Colorado has the lowest at 20.2 percent. Mississippi has the highest rate of diabetes at 14.7 percent. Ten of the twelve states with the highest type 2 diabetes rates are in the South. The CDC projects that one-in-three adults could have diabetes by 2050 (Ogden). Is unhealthy food really worth diabetes? Even the farmers are starting to noticing the increase in food intake. One of the main problems in America is over eating. People just eat all they want and do not think of the consequences. The U.S. Department of Agriculture reports that the average American ate almost twenty percent more calories in the year 2000 than they did in 1983, thanks, in part, to a boom in meat consumption. Today, each American puts away an average of 195 pounds of meat every year, compared to just 138 pounds in the 1950’s. Consumption of added fats also shot up by around two thirds over the same period, and grain consumption rose forty five percent since 1970 ("Why Are Americans Obese?”). People use food as comfort, and they eat more and more each year. Sometimes, it can be the types of foods people consume rather than how much. From this study it is obvious that not only are Americans eating too much, …show more content…

It is a complex problem and there has to be a multifaceted approach. Policy makers, state and local organizations, business and community leaders, school, childcare and healthcare professionals, and individuals must work together to create an environment that supports a healthy lifestyle. There are several ways state and local organizations can create a supportive environment to promote healthy living behaviors that prevent obesity. Today, about one in three American kids and teens is overweight or obese. The prevalence of obesity in children more than tripled from 1971 to 2011. Among children today, obesity is causing a broad range of health problems that previously were not seen until adulthood. These include high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes and elevated blood cholesterol levels. There are also psychological effects. Obese children are more prone to low self-esteem, negative body image and depression. Childhood obesity is now the number one health concern among parents in the United States, topping drug abuse and

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