
Dieting Persuasive Essay

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Pound by pound, inch by inch, it slowly adds up until one day you wake up and realize you need to make a change. You try one diet after the other, lose a little of the extra weight, plateau, and begin watching the numbers climb right back to where they were before and then keep going. All that hard work wasted. It can leave you feeling defeated, frustrated, and completely alone. If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over a third of American adults (over 78 million) are considered obese, and 63% of American adults are overweight. The numbers are alarming, yes, and the market is flooded with fad diets, and magic fixes to appeal to the public's need for instant gratification. …show more content…

Health screenings from experienced medical providers. FDA approved medications to promote rapid weight loss. Nutrition and diet consultations to unravel the tangled web of dieting myths. Personalized diet plans designed around your unique needs. Weekly weigh-in and body measurements to track your progress and show you that your hard work is paying off. Help with underactive thyroids and/or Low T when they are contributing factors to your past difficulties losing weight. When dieting and exercise aren't enough, medical weight loss in San Juan Capistrano can help to bridge the gap between yo-yo diets and lifelong weight loss. At RCMC Medical Center our weight management programs are designed to quickly melt away the extra weight by converting stored fat into energy while providing you with the tools and support you need to reach your goals. The path to better health through weight loss isn't one that should be done alone. Let our experienced staff guide you through the process, offer heartfelt encouragement, and lend you a helping hand when needed. We know you can reach your weight loss goals because we've seen it happen time and time again. Let us help you reach your goals and show you that it's never too late to make a change for the

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