
Difference Between Classical Conditioning And Observational Learning Essay

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Distinguish general differences between principles of classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning (e.g., contingencies)

Classical conditioning is the repeated association of an unconditioned stimulus with a neutral stimulus making it into a conditioned stimulus. Classical conditioning deals with unconditioned stimulus that produces an automatic response or unlearned (UCS/US), unconditioned response that is an automatic or unlearned response that is produced by and unconditioned stimulus (UCR/UR), neutral stimulus that is a stimulus that had no response to it prior to learning (NS), conditioned stimulus that was originally the neutral stimulus but was pair frequently with the unconditioned stimulus to produce a response (CS), and conditioned response that is the response to the conditioned stimulus (CR). Acquisition is the initial stage of learning. Extinction happens when the unconditioned stimulus stops being followed by the conditioned stimulus, this will cause the response to stop occurring. Spontaneous recovery is when the reappearance, after a rest period, of the conditioned response. The recovery will happen faster than the first time did. Generalization is the tendency for the same response to a similar stimulus to the conditioned stimulus. Discrimination is the ability to learn the difference between the conditioned stimulus and other stimuli. Operant conditioning is a type of learning that is strengthened by reinforcement or weakened

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