
Difference Between Juvenile And Adult Criminal Justice System

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Due process is a concept that dates back all the way to the early 13th century, when King John signed the Magna Carta. Due process of law is the principle that a person cannot be stripped of their right to life, liberty, and property without appropriate legal procedures and safeguards. It is not a fixed list of procedures that government must follow, but rather it is flexible and varies from case to case, depending on the specific circumstances of each individual case. One such instance in which the procedures of due process vary is in juvenile cases. Juveniles are often tried differently than adults as a result of the different circumstances that they face. However, sometimes when a juvenile’s case is being evaluated, it may be decided that they should be tried as an adult based on certain components of their case, such as if a crime was committed rather than a delinquent act. The juvenile and adult criminal justice systems hold many differences, the chief difference being the goal of the courts. While the adult justice system aims to punish adults, the juvenile system aims to rehabilitate juvenile offenders. Another difference is that the Supreme Court …show more content…

Due process is the sole command in the constitution that is stated twice. There is little difference between the due process clauses of the 5th and 14th amendment, but the one word that was added has had a monumental impact on our nation. The use of the phrase “no state” in the 14th amendment means that the state government can’t infringe on your rights, unlike in the 5th amendment which only protected rights from the national government. As a result of this clause now applying to both levels of government, other select provisions of the bill of rights were deemed as protected from state governments by the Supreme Court. This is known as the incorporation

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