
Difference Between Studying Medicine And Studying Business

Decent Essays

Studying Medicine vs. Studying Business Medicine and business are the most popular career options for freshman students . While comparing and contrasting them we can see a lot of differences and similarities. These are two of the most demanding choices and both have a variety of options. Even though both careers demand sacrifice, discipline and pressure, it will depend on the student to choose a career that will go according to time and cost available to spend and the income amount he wishes.
One of the most notable differences between these two vocations is time. It takes a lot of years to complete a medical career. Because these major changes over time, new things get discovered such as medicine and cures. The basic studies begin with pre-medicine that takes at least 6 years and each degree can take 4 years each. Medical students also have to do internships and hospital training that can take from 1 to 2 years . Medicine is all about …show more content…

Medicine requires a lot of commitment and intelligence capability. It’s entirely based on studying, working hard and persistence. Likewise, business also has a lot of pressure, you need to be innovative and have a lot of passion for it. The career is also oversaturated and unstable due to external factors that affect it like the economy. Business is about playing with the economy to your advantage, being clever and able to handle the demand and compromise.
Another visible difference between them is the opportunities and options. Medicine has a variety of openings, you can even decide what to specialize in while still studying your bachelors. You can have multiple degrees, take several courses and specialize in many different fields. There are a lot of different job options as well, that include some of the highest paying tasks in the world. Anesthesiologist assistant, physician and nurse are just some of the examples of the openings for a medical school

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