
Difference Between The Jesuits In The 16th Century And The Missionariess

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The initial difference between the Jesuits in the 16th century and later missionaries is how they were allowed to proselytize. “Famed Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci” achieved such success by commandeering existing networks which he had noted “were admired and respected,” as such they “adopted the dress of the literati” as well as presenting their message in a manner similar to Confucian, and even Buddhist, ideals. Additionally the Jesuit understanding of “science, math, astronomy, philosophy, and religion and their attention-getting instruments…” opened doors and discussions with the Jesuit missionaries (Schoppa 47). Relationships weren’t all tea and roses as even seemingly acculturated Jesuits were still considered ‘other.’ It took the unequal treaties, specifically the Treaty of Tianjin in 1858, following the Second Opium War, to grant widespread access to Christian missionaries (Schoppa 50-61).
During the earlier parts of the 19th century Christian missionary work was done in secret to avoid persecution. This atmosphere led missionaries to accept the types of cover stories one would expect from Hollywood, like a translator on an opium dispensing ship (Schoppa 61). More common, as found in missionary records typically show a different story (Welch 12-16). Missionaries, especially young single female missionaries, remarked on the safety and welcome they felt among the Chinese. Travelers expressed their surprise at this by comparing missions undertaken as relatively safe in

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