
Differences And Similarities Between The 1920s And 1950's

Decent Essays

The 1920’s and 1950’s were very different times, but still comparable, in American history. The 1920’s were “roaring” with political, economic, and social change. Social norms were broken and standards were reset. Three Republican presidents led during the 1920’s, namely Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, and Herbert Hoover. The lone US president of the 1950’s was Dwight Eisenhower. The 1950s were known for the growth post World War. Societies of the 1920 and 1950 eras can be compared and contrasted with their technological advancements, women, and communism hysteria, that all played important parts in these two time periods. An important part in both 1920’s and 1950’s societies were the technological advancements. The Ford Model T was one of the greatest inventions in the 1920’s. It may have increased crashes, overpopulation, and …show more content…

On August 18, 1920, the 19th amendment was ratified by congress guaranteeing all American women the right to vote. This was a tremendous step towards gender equality, which is still apparent in life today. This amendment gave women confidence; confidence meaning confident in challenging the social norms. Flappers were a big part in 1950’s living. Easily distinguished by their short skirts and hair, they created a double standard. Flappers were known for discovering adolescence, practicing premarital sex and other actions that weren’t common to society yet. Going against the social norms was also apparent in the 1950’s when it came to post war women involvement. The greatest symbol was “Rosie the riveter”, who encouraged women to work factory jobs while men were fighting a war. When the war was over, women had a substantial impact on the baby boom. The baby boom was the name for the rapid increase on babies when soldiers returned home. Without the relentless efforts put in by the women of the 1920’s and 1950’s womens rights wouldn’t be as far along as they are

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