
Differences Between American And Spanish

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Everyone is different in their own way, we all come from different backgrounds. While that is true, we can all agree that our differences make us unique and bond us together. In the same fashion; holidays, languages and traditions helps us understand how different we are but also shows us how new and exciting people can really be. First off, my culture alone, there are many different holidays that are either changed or added due to the seasons of the year. Since I am both American and Hispanic, I celebrate both holidays associated with my background. Not only that, but there are changes to a holiday depending on season, time or event. One of the biggest holiday that is changed is the week of Halloween. While most people in America see it …show more content…

Uniquely, it is the way you pronounce certain words to how you say certain things that can mean one thing for one culture but something else for another. Coupled with that fact that Spanish alone has a lot of ways of saying a certain word whether you use the female or male pronouns of a certain word can determine exactly who you’re talking to. On the other hand, English is very centered on saying things in a very indirect way which isn’t bad but English tends to be calmer compared to Spanish. For example, saying hello to someone in English is calmer compared to saying it in Spanish where it’s more emotionally forward. Not only that, but Spanish is about speaking in more with emotion and interest. While, English is more about talking in a more general and openly passive means. To be able to speak both Spanish and English can be a challenge due to the way you say something in English can accidently have the tone from Spanish which may be seen as too over excited. By the same token, it can be the same thing when reversed which can tend to be shown as not caring or disinterested. In the light of these problems, there is still good that comes along with being bi-lingual. In like manner, people who speak both tend to translate for both of their friends who speak only one language. Thus, creating bonds between others or just sharing a nice conversation. More or less speaking more than one language gives you an advantage. Speaking English and Spanish also helps when getting a job espically in the state of Arizona considering how close we are to our neighboring country. In the end, speaking multiple languages is a huge key that unites both cultures together and brings one culture

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