
Differences between Dominant and Subordinate Groups in Society Based on Gender

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Dichotomies among dominant and subordinate groups in society have been devised to create advantages for the dominant groups in society. These dichotomies are necessary to maintain the structural power of the dominant group (Hackman, 2013), and one dichotomy in society is based on gender. For the social category of gender, the men are the dominant group, and women and transgender people are the subordinate group (Kirk & Okazawa-Rey, 2013). Hence, the dominant group of men creates a system of sexism, which “serves to privilege men, subordinate women, denigrate women-identified values and practices, enforce male dominance and control, and reinforce forms of masculinity that are dehumanizing and damaging to men” (Botkin, Jones, & Kachwaha, …show more content…

“As such, what is perceived as ‘real’ regarding gender roles is actually a manifestation of certain rules and expectations put on all of us by the macro gendered power structure” (2013, p. 319). Hence, this power structure creates a patriarchal culture that values all things masculine and devalues all things feminine (Johnson, 2013). Thereby, in valuing masculinity, a man is “a perfect specimen of muscles and fearlessness and daring” (Blow, 2013, p. 404). In addition, the patriarchal culture highlights the importance of the husband’s career and downplays the secondary role of the wife in the family (2013). Unfortunately, all members of society, male and female, participate in this patriarchal system (2013) including me, a female. For example, when I accepted my husband’s marriage proposal, we did not live in the same city. Although I was successful in my career, I could not accept that a “real man” should change his life because of marriage, and I decided to move to South Carolina. Thus, I valued my husband’s lifestyle and career more than my lifestyle and career in North Carolina, which is internalized sexism (Szymanski, Gupta, Carr, & Stewart, 2009). Therefore, my thought process illustrates my participation in the patriarchal structure. Additionally, as a female engineer, I am in the minority in the workplace and affected by the patriarchal system. Only 15% of women hold positions in male-dominated fields such as engineering

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