
Differences Between Horror And Horror Movies

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One can find it challenging to discern a thriller from a horror movie; however, close examination shows that these genres in their purest forms have diverse elements that differentiate the two. Horror movies and thriller movies can share common traits. Horror movies can give the audience a sense of thrill, and a thriller movie can horrify the audience. Both genres rely on the “fight or flight” situational effects. In the first or possibly even second act of the movie, the characters are attempting to flee the problem, but are eventually forced into engaging with it. How these characters react with the problem is where the two genres start to deviate. One clear way to spot the differences between the two genres has to do with the protagonists. Although characters each deal with the antagonist/antagonist’s plan, the disparity is in how they respond to it. As described by script editor Lucy Hay:
In Horror, characters frequently make active decisions that take them directly into the monster’s literal or metaphorical lair. In contrast, a thriller protagonist is frequently drawn against his/her will into the antagonist’s evil plan. In other words, the antagonist drives the action in the Thriller genre; the protagonist is generally unsuspecting and would have lived a “normal life” had the antagonist not kicked everything off. (Hay)
All horror movies must have a fantasy-related aspect to them. “To be pure horror, the purpose of the story must be to invoke fear and dread and it

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