
Differences Between North And South

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During the years leading up to the Civil War, the nation was ready to collapse onto itself from the smallest push, and in April of 1861 when the War began, it was a surprise to very few. For decades leading up to it, the rift between North and South flared repeatedly and peace only maintained by quick thinking politicians and several compromises. Since the foundation of the country, these stark differences had been exemplified and carried on through the years, and as several historians have noted, the two regions of the United States had always seemed like separate countries rather than any form of union. The very geography and people of these areas had separated the lives of the people, their fate segregated from one another before any ideas could take form. Their livelihoods branched farther and farther apart, with …show more content…

The North and South being drastically different with their methods of schooling. The North was all about having public school. They had public elementary schools as well as high schools. Colleges were also in the attended and these were funded by churches and were private. These schools were set up as small buildings with several grades in one room. Teachers usually taught orally. The North used all types of corporal punishment which was encouraged during the times. Also, as factories started becoming greater in number kids in schools started to decline, but laws were passed saying child workers had to be educated. The south did not have or believe in traditional public schooling. The south believed in private schooling with tutors and in their homes because they felt that anything important that was needed to learn was from their home. Also there were academies in the south, which was a school where the rich sent their children to board and learn there. These schools were intense, using military type learning and strict

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