
Differences Between Plots

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There are distinctive differences in height between the four plots. Plot 3 is located on the slope and had the greatest mean height with 28.22m. This was 13% and 20% taller than the next tallest plot and the stand mean height respectively. The plots heights have a range of 19.75 to 31.77 (12.02) and this is the largest range out of all the plots. Plot 2 had the second largest mean height with 24.97m and had a range of 20.53m to 31.34m (10.81). This means the average height was 6.8% higher that the stand average, but in comparison to the next tallest plot it is very similar with only a 0.12m difference. Plot 1 had the third largest mean height with 24.85m and had a range of heights from 22.35m to 28.02 (5.67). In comparison to the stand average it is 6.2% taller, however it is a massive 60% taller than the next tallest plot. Furthermore, this plot had the smallest range of height out of the four plots. …show more content…

This is a massive 33.7% shorter than the stand average. Overall, the data shows distinctive differences between plots. The data shows that the two flat plots (1 and 2) are very similar in height as there is minimal differences between the two plots (only 0.43%). However, it can be seen that there is a major difference in height between the two sloped plots (3 and 4) as there is a 45% difference between the two. Furthermore, the data shows that there are differences between the sloped and flat plots and also that there is a massive 82% mean height difference between the smallest and largest plot. Note: all heights that have been assumed to be outliers have been left out of

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