
Differences Between Two Conceptual Frameworks For Acquiring Knowledge And Information

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The overall intent of this paper is to show a comparison from two articles (Chao, Chiu, Chan, Denton, & Kwok, 2013; Koo & Nishimura, 2013) in order to be able to wholly comprehend the similarities and differences between two conceptual frameworks for acquiring knowledge and information, those being that of learning and cognition. Through a comparison of the two conjoint terms of learning and cognition, an exploration will take place involving the application of the theories, and their relevance to adopting technology in a work setting.
Comparison of the Purposes
Simply put, learning and cognition are among the most essential enterprises that individuals take part in. They are in all actuality the focal point of all activities in which one undertakes. Whether in an educational setting or outside of school, learning and cognition both involve the ways in which different individuals come to know or learn new realities and knowhow about life and the world around them. On the whole, learning and cognition are equally indispensable in that these aspects are interrelated influences on the thinking process. However, cognition involves much more than the ability to acquire new information. Kelly (2014) asserts that ccognition has to do with the ability to think critically and questions the new information, to analyze different solutions, to explore widely and deeply, to examine without end or outside of the typical learning box, in order to grow intellectually.

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