
Differences Of Divorcetion And Polygamy In Pakistan And Islam

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Divorce, separation, desertion and polygamy affect the whole family in so many ways either socially, psychologically and financially etc. In both Pakistan and Islam, there are particular family laws for divorce and polygamy with minor differences. In Pakistani Law, husband has the right to divorce but can be exempted from the right only through nikahnama. It is essential to register the divorce in this law .The section 7 of Muslim Family Law Ordinance declares husband’s right to divorce either verbally or in black and white. Husband is supposed to notify Union Council through the registered post about divorcing his wife; and also mention in it the postal address of his wife; any possibility of reconciliation can be entertained within 30 days after he notifies to the respective Government office. The notice of divorce is to be sent to wife by the relative Government office through her immediate relatives only. In Pakistani Law, if the divorce notice is not received by the wife, it can be served on by getting it published in the newspaper. After three months (Iddat Period) from the time divorce notice is sent to the respective Government office, the divorce is made effective by the same office through sending the divorce certificates to husband and wife. Divorce is not established until the Iddat span is over; and if this law is not followed, a sentence of one year or penalty up to 5000/- is charged.
According to verses of Holy Qura’an:
When ye divorce women, and they

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