
Differences Of Squid And Octopus

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What is these creatures? Squid and Octopus are categories in sub-marine animal. Squid and Octopus are still one family, both of these animals are The Cephalopoda family. What is Cephalopoda? “Cephalopods, is the class of mollusks which scientists classify octopuses, squid, cuttlefish and nautiluses, can change color faster than a chameleon. They can also change texture and body shape, and, and if those camouflage techniques don't work, they can still "disappear" in a cloud of ink, which they use as a smoke-screen or decoy.” (Wood,2017) This species is common find in ocean or seas anywhere. Both of it are interesting sea creatures, but they are differed in their physical characteristic also have similarity from many aspects. Some people has …show more content…

“Octopuses and squids can swim in any direction and can alter their course quickly. Squids use fins located on their heads to propel themselves when swimming at low speeds. These fins steer and stabilize the squids when moving slowly, and wrap around the body when they move quickly, by way of jet propulsion. Most octopuses do not have fins as adults. Some deep-water octopuses are exceptions.” (Octopuses & Squids,n.d)
How do octopuses and squids reproduce? ”The male octopus uses a specialized arm called a hectocotylus to transfer sperm to the mantle cavity of a receptive female. The female lays strings of fertilized eggs on the roof of her den. She guards, cleans and aerates the eggs with water expelled from her siphon until hatching. This can be anywhere from 30 days to a year, depending on the species. The female may build a wall of rocks to seal off the den and will remain in the den until just before she dies, after the eggs have hatched. Squids often mate in large groups, and attach their egg capsules to the ocean floor or to seaweed. Most adult octopuses and squid die after reproducing. Their bodies are recycled in the food web, nourishing other animals, and ultimately providing food for their young when they hatch.” (Octopuses &

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