
Different Attitudes of the First World War as Expressed in Poems by Various Artists

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When war first broke out in 1914 the general attitude towards it was patriotism. Many young men grabbed the chance to fight for their country and show the women their braveness, they thought they would come back heroes, however they did not know what happened beyond the cheerful and brave faces seen in the news papers and the blissful time the soldiers had in their letters home. This made many more men go to war. Things gradually changed, death, disease, mud, it had suddenly hit that to fight for your country was not such an honour. Soldiers firstly began to write poetry because poetry was the most important mode of expression for those who were shocked and disillusioned by the realities of the First World War. I will be …show more content…

Brooke never knew what life was like in the trenches so all of his poems have a positive attitude towards the war. I am studying a poem by Siegfried Sassoon called ‘Base Details’. Sassoon was a gallant officer who won the Military Cross as prize for bravery. He hated the massacre that war was and the misconduct of the generals and politicians who made decisions of the war, he thought they did not have the right to decide how or when people die. He protested against war by his poetry and making a statement in The Times. He stopped fighting for the war after he was wounded during the Battle of Arras and was sent home. He lived until 1967. All his poems were negative towards war as he aimed to speak the truth about it. The last two poems I am studying are by a man named Wilfred Owen. Owen is one of the most important poets from the wartime. Once war broke he found a great desire to join in the war effort and became an officer. He was sent home to England after a huge shell burst near him during the war. After this experience his views changed dramatically on the war. He wrote the following to his mother, “That one of Christ’s essential commands was passivity at any price! Suffer dishonour and disgrace but never resort to arms.” Later on he met Sassoon in ‘Craig Lockhart War Hospital’. Sassoon encouraged Owen’s poetic writing. I will be studying two of Owen’s negative poems. I will begin comparing the poems by exploring the positive attitudes

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