
Different Color Eyes Essay

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My mother use to be “an active volcano.” Now she is 77, older and frail. I felt guilty. This feeling does not abandon me when I am thinking how I have rarely visited my mother. How is she? I have not seen her for couple years, but soon, very soon I will see her. I hurried to embrace her again. The taxi rushed on an empty road. It was an early summer morning. I was looking through a window. Light fog was spreading on the land, enveloping trees and bushes and making a view similar to a mirage. Sunrise commenced. On the skyline the sun, as a giant orange-red sphere, was lifting giving to a landscape the warm nuances and more legible forms. In the distance appeared houses. The taxi was driving across the village where I grew up. Since I …show more content…

Oh! These eyes, she has exceptional eyes; they are a different color: left eye is green, but right eye is clear brown. In youth my mother was brunette, about five feet high not very thin, but well done with feminine forms. She was always with nice coiffure and well-dressed, elegant, simple and with a good taste, and never in pants. An inalienable part of her clothes were shoes on the heels, which made her walking more graceful. She has never worn a makeup only a light color lipstick. She was a beautiful woman, on my regard, with which the mother has never agreed. When I asked her, ”How can you explain those numerous admirers whom you had in your life?” She laughed and replied, “They were entranced by my eyes are a different color.” My mother was a librarian. Until now, the odor of books associates with the time when I have spent in the library reading books, while she was working. Owing to the profession, she has always read and developed. The mother was very creative and full of ideas woman. Therefore, people have always surrounded her, and especially youth has been attracted. She had written scenarios for concertos, dedicating for special events and participated in as the master of ceremonies. She founded an amateur dramatic theater where she was the producer and actress. I liked to see their repetitions and shows. She was acting so harmoniously and speaking so naturally that there was not doubt that was a real personage, whom she was

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