
Different Types Of College Depression

Decent Essays

No one said college was easy. How many times have you heard that one? Well, it's true. College is usually the first time teenagers live away from the comfort of their own homes, especially now that more and more students are choosing to go away to college. Sure it's great to have all that freedom, but with that freedom comes more responsibility and some people just can't handle it. Their grades suffer and usually the student ends up dropping out not really understanding why. They feel like a failure as they face the disappointment in their parents faces and tones as they go back home to live with mom. But few people realize that college depression is on the rise in college students today the number of students reporting that they were diagnosed …show more content…

I am just a young journalist interested in psychology. When I was going through depression, I would've loved to have someone there for me. I was too proud to get professional help, but too embarrassed to ask a friend or family member for it. Here are some tips that would've helped me and will hopefully help you provide comfort for a friend or family member in need. The first step to helping a depressed friend is recognizing a depressed friend. There are several telltale signs of depression to look out for in friends and/or family. Sign 1: Too much or too little sleep. If a friend can't fall asleep at night or blows off plans to take naps constantly, they may be depressed. Sign 2: Disinterest in activities. If a friend or family member stops watching their favorite shows, playing their favorite games, or going to their favorite events, they may be depressed. Sign 3: Over or under eating. If a friend starts rapidly losing or gaining weight, or if they stop eating at lunch or eat more than normal, this might be a sign of depression. Sign 4: Irritability. If a friend starts getting agitated at everything you say, or starts ignoring your calls or yelling at you for no apparent reason, it may be a sign of depression. Sign 5: Loss of energy.If a friend starts telling you they feel weak, constantly tired or don't think they have the energy to do something that's normally easy for them, they might be depressed. Sign 6: …show more content…

With even the slightest symptoms of depressed mood, many adults are being given prescriptions for antidepressants without proper screening of a mood disorder. If you are living with a depressed mood, and if you feel unmotivated and lack energy, these could certainly be signs of depression. If you are still able to function from day to day, and if you find that your mood does not completely interfere with your family life, then you may have a mild case of depression. While your doctor may be inclined to prescribe antidepressants, many patients with mild depression are finding that antidepressants are not improving health outcomes and may actually be a waste of healthcare money. In fact, many psychiatrists, today, are finding that the use of antidepressants, alone, provide no health benefit to most patients who are feeling the sudden onset of mild depression. To be effective, antidepressant medications are best when given to a patient who suffers from moderate to severe depression. So, how do you know what level of depression you may have? The best way to asses this diagnosis is to meet with a psychiatrist to obtain an complete evaluation on your mood and overall mental health. If you are found to live with mild depression, the use of antidepressants may not be suggested and, instead, your doctor may recommend providing therapy or other methods of natural

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