
Digital And Print Media 's Effect On The Self Respect Of The Older Generation

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Electronic and print media have brought about sweeping changes in human life and have had far-reaching implications for all walks of life. Originating in the early 15th century, the printing press of the newspaper made the first appearance in Germany in the late 1400 's in the mode of news pamphlets or broadsides (Barber, P. 2014) [1]; and now people are easily capable of getting information through various digital devices such as sophisticated televisions and smart phones. Mass communication, however, is likely to have adverse effects on the way people, especially children and adolescents, perceive knowledge. Although mass media currently provides adults and teenagers with essential opportunities to receive insight into a wide range of fields, it also raises knotty problems pertaining to their self-esteem, behaviour and actions.
On one hand, mass communication has a detrimental influence on the self-respect of the older generation (over 65 years old). In fact, when advertisers strive for promoting their products, they do not include images of the elderly because they are often associated with ineffectiveness, unattractiveness, immobilisation and unhappiness. There are few senior citizens presented on television and “almost all are male: only one in ten characters judged to be 65 or older is a woman” (Delloff, M.L. 1987) [2]. Furthermore, “Dail (1988) states that elderly populations suffer from negative stereotyping more than any other identifiable social group” (Tupper. M)

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